Hight Improver
Intro: 16 Counts
Phrasing – Tag 1 (after Wall 5, 9h), Tag 2 (after Wall 6, 3h)
S1: Side Rock recover R, Hold, Side Rock recover L, Hold
1-4Step r to right side, Step r back close to l, hold
5-8Step l to left side, Step l back close to r, hold
S2: Toe Swivel R, Kick, Step back close to L, Heel L, Kick R
1-4Swivel r toe to the left, right, left and kick
5-8Step r back close to l, heel with l and step back close to r, kick r
S3: Coaster Step, Lock shuffle
1-4Step r back, Step l next to r, Step r forward (Coaster Step), Brush l
5-8Step forward l, lock with r, step forward l (Lock shuffle), Brush r
S4: Pivot ½ L, Step hold, Pivot ¼ R Cross hold
1-4Step r forward ½ turn left Step r forward hold (6h)
5-8Step l forward ¼ turn right Step l cross hold (9h)
Start again and have fun!
Tag 1 16 Counts (after Wall 5, 9h)
Side Step cross R, Side step cross L
1-4Step r right cross over l, hold
5-8Step l left cross over r, hold
Side behind side ¼ turn right with R, Pivot ½ R , Step L, Brush R
1-4Step right with r, l behind r, step r ¼ turn right, hold
5-8Step forward l, ½ turn right, Step l, Brush r
Tag 2 8 Counts (after Wall 6, 3h)
Step, Pivot ½ L and bend your knees during the turn and snap your fingers if you like
1-8Step forward r, do a slow half turn and bend your knees during the turn, snap your fingers if you like
Rafaela Bizjak, Germany
Links: bfl_jff@web.de, www.blackforestlinedancers.de
Phrasing – Tag 1 (after Wall 5, 9h), Tag 2 (after Wall 6, 3h)
S1: Side Rock recover R, Hold, Side Rock recover L, Hold
1-4Step r to right side, Step r back close to l, hold
5-8Step l to left side, Step l back close to r, hold
S2: Toe Swivel R, Kick, Step back close to L, Heel L, Kick R
1-4Swivel r toe to the left, right, left and kick
5-8Step r back close to l, heel with l and step back close to r, kick r
S3: Coaster Step, Lock shuffle
1-4Step r back, Step l next to r, Step r forward (Coaster Step), Brush l
5-8Step forward l, lock with r, step forward l (Lock shuffle), Brush r
S4: Pivot ½ L, Step hold, Pivot ¼ R Cross hold
1-4Step r forward ½ turn left Step r forward hold (6h)
5-8Step l forward ¼ turn right Step l cross hold (9h)
Start again and have fun!
Tag 1 16 Counts (after Wall 5, 9h)
Side Step cross R, Side step cross L
1-4Step r right cross over l, hold
5-8Step l left cross over r, hold
Side behind side ¼ turn right with R, Pivot ½ R , Step L, Brush R
1-4Step right with r, l behind r, step r ¼ turn right, hold
5-8Step forward l, ½ turn right, Step l, Brush r
Tag 2 8 Counts (after Wall 6, 3h)
Step, Pivot ½ L and bend your knees during the turn and snap your fingers if you like
1-8Step forward r, do a slow half turn and bend your knees during the turn, snap your fingers if you like
Rafaela Bizjak, Germany
Links: bfl_jff@web.de, www.blackforestlinedancers.de