32 Count 1 Wall Débutant / Initiation - Contra Music: When I'm Drinking - Gord Bamford : (Album: Neon Smoke, janvier 2018)
32 Count 1 Wall Beginner / Initiation - Contra Music: When I'm Drinking - Gord Bamford : (Album: Neon Smoke, january 2018)
32 Count 4 Wall Novice Music: Diane - Cam
32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Diane - Cam
56 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire Music: I Wanna Be a Farmer - Sunny Cowgirls
56 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Music: I Wanna Be a Farmer - Sunny Cowgirls
64 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire facile Music: E - Matt Mason : (Album: Chasing Stardust)
64 Count 2 Wall Easy Intermediate Music: E - Matt Mason : (Album: Chasing Stardust)
48 Count 4 Wall Novice Music: Insecure - RaeLynn : (Album: Wildhorse, 2017)
48 Count 4 Wall Improver / Intermediate Music: Insecure - RaeLynn : (Album: Wildhorse, 2017)
48 Count 4 Wall Intermédiaire facile Music: Good on You - Ward Thomas : (Album: Cartwheels)
48 Count 4 Wall Easy Intermediate Music: Good on You - Ward Thomas : (Album: Cartwheels)
32 Count 4 Wall Débutant Music: God's Green Earth - M Callahan
32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: God's Green Earth - M Callahan
32 Count 2 Wall Débutant (initiation) Music: Two More Bottles of Wine - Emmylou Harris
32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Two More Bottles of Wine - Emmylou Harris
32 Count 4 Wall Débutant + Music: Shine - The Washboard Union
32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: Shine - The Washboard Union
64 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire Music: Dixie Girl - Johnathan East : (Album: Land of Cotton)
64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Music: Dixie Girl - Johnathan East : (Album: Land of Cotton)